Fully expanded and updated, this third edition remains an essential reference text for all healthcare professionals and managers involved in the care of the mentally ill patient, particularly in the intensive care environment. It provides practical and evidence-based advice on the management of a diverse range of disturbed and severely ill psychiatric patients in secure hospital settings. Content is focused upon some of the most challenging areas of in-patient and acute mental health practice including the PICU, the acute in-patient, and the forensic and acute mental health crisis occurring in the community. Brand-new chapters explore topics such as challenging and sexually problematic behaviour within an in-patient and other settings, and international perspectives on PICU wards. This edition also covers technological developments for improving mental health care for patients, safety for those working and living within mental health units and importantly incorporates the UK MHA Code of Practice 2015.
- Written primarily by clinicians in a concise readable style, it features valuable first-hand experiences and practical advice on service organisation, management and treatment underpinned by the literature
- Clinically oriented and invaluable for dealing with the practical realities acute mental health care including, the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), acute in-patient, forensic and acute mental health crisis occurring in the community
- Provides content and guidance for engaging with some of the most challenging issues with PICU, benefiting a multidisciplinary audience from psychiatrists and allied health workers through to service managers who are struggling with complex and multifaceted clinical, managerial situations